Friday, January 18, 2008


As we have continued to talk about worship in youth group at church, and... well, I am ashamed to say that i have been very neglectful in my time with God. I haven't made time for my relationship with God and today as I reflect upon my time spent with God I am ashamed and kind of frustrated with myself for the brevity of time spent with God in the past week or so. I have had the time, but i chose to do other, way less meaningful and way less productive things (i.e. Madden). By the way, Louie, if you're reading this, i blame it on you for your trash talk that you would beat me in Madden, so I found it necessary to prove to myself just how good at Madden I really am, and i have concluded that you wouldn't stand a chance. But, anyways, even having proved more than capable at Madden, I've simultaneously proved myself incapable as a worshiper / follower of Christ. And, with all that said I sit here and reflect back to see what my worship experiences have been like this week and i see that there have indeed been some incredible time of worship this week. They are the times when i have been overcome by joy in the anticipation of my son being born, which will happen on Wednesday Jan. 23rd 2008. I cant wait and I just thank God and worship him for allowing me to be apart of such miracles as this. A son being born. That kind of summarizes my week, Anticipation for the birth of a son. Maybe some of you have been a part of similar miracles; the birth of a child or whatever incredible things you have experienced or will soon experience. Cling to those things and use them as avenues to worship God.
In Christ,